Thursday 29 September 2011


I knew how to enjoy life through living in LDN.

It was priceless experience and that memories are still shining in my heart .

Current working place is the worst place for me and I had got lost on my way to my goal for a while.

But now, I came to think how happy I am because I will be able to see the light from this hardship.

I was lucky to know my weak point from mistakes in the job.

All I have to do is to shut my senior noisy colleagues up!

Monday 19 September 2011

Feeling conflicted

Countless amazing days in London, but unexpected stressful lives in Japan.

Most friends I met in London are rich, but I am poor.

Some of them went to master degree in the UK, but I am saving some money in a horrible working place in Japan.

Is there hope in Japan? I definitely can say "NO"!

However, I believe that the hope is in my heart.

How many times did I overcome past fucking hardships?

I am really proud of myself while having modest mind.

So I can make it through as usual.

Music saves my life!

Saturday 17 September 2011


In the end, I could figure out where my tiredness does come from in these days.

In working place, I have been suffered from mental stress by senior colleagues.

It is a simple reason that they really love to interfere with someone.

Now I am the target unfortunately.

This is one of Japanese bad culture and it reminds me of how easy to work outside of Japan except for Racism.

I prefer living outside while feeling like laissez-faire to living here until late 40s.

The life in Japan does not suit me.

Saturday 10 September 2011


Listening Oasis song on youtube, suddenly I came to miss London. I must be tired in these days.

Thursday 8 September 2011

What is the best present for my friends' wedding?

I'm going to Tokyo from 22nd Sep to see my friends. We're having drink and celebrate the engagement(It's not a wedding party). Now me and my friend are thinking about the present. I really love the process!!!